Working Title: Pulling Parts
Format: Documentary, 80 minutes.
Description: The true story of how junk cars live on as parts for home mechanics and professional alike, saving them millions of dollars while protecting the environment by re-using what still has remaining service life.
Who and Where:
Meet the mechanic who searched far and wide to find an exact match to his parents' car from his childhood. How he restored it to working order and now drives around reliving his childhood memories of rides with his deceased parents.
Share a father’s joy as he secretly puts together a car for his daughter as a graduation present.
Watch friends bring new life to a tired vehicle and start a new business.
See a father and son team bond as they repair an engine everyone said was finished.
Ride along with a parts hunter who specializes in finding those rare, must-have items necessary to complete a project car.
Sit in with technical-school students eager to learn auto mechanic skills and launch a high paying career.
These and more personal stories weave the narrative of Pulling Parts.
Parts available are listed below.
Use the contact form on this website to forward your email, a brief description of the part you’d like and how you think you’re the best for it. We’ll be in touch soon. Thank you.
Description: If you’re a salvage yard owner who believes you have EVERYTHING we need, including a great location, awesome employees, amazing customers, all with interesting and positive stories, we would be happy to discuss making this a one-stop project that is centered around your operation. Check out the casting list below and think about it.
In total, we’d like to have 7-8 great mechanics, 2-3 salvage yards, and 5-6 employees.
We’re looking for a few good mechanics!
Description: Are you a shade tree mechanic with incredible skills? Someone who searches for parts in u-pull-it salvage yards? We’d like to film you doing your thing, especially if you have a great story to go with the tools. For example: Maybe you fixed a car for a friend or a relative and saved them a lot of money. Maybe you took a car that was left for junk and got it running so someone would have a set of wheels to get to a new job or school. Happy stories like this get us excited.
We’re also looking for a few good salvage yard owners!
Description: Is your salvage yard huge and beautiful? Full of cars in neat rows? Open to the public and with a funky, pleasant vibe? We’d like to film you in action, providing a place for people to get the parts they need at prices they can afford. We’ll show you in the best light by putting your place on the big screen. We’d also like to show behind the scenes details that the public might not realize or understand.?
Employees, too!
Description: And, we’d like to film salvage yard employees working their magic throughout the entire process. That’s right, we’d like to see cars hauled in from the road, from old barns, and from crash sites. We’d like to show how parts are pulled and hulks ultimately crushed and recycled. Again, we want to show the world the best of the best. Keep your game sharp!
Of course, there’s fine print, paperwork that must be complete for a successful project to move forward. First, let us say, we have years of experience around industrial sites from oil refineries to tugboats to (yes, seriously) junkyards. We understand safety and use best practices to do the right thing. Our team will provide your salvage yard with an agreement that protects you from risk related to ourselves. At the same time, each person featured in front of the camera must complete photo/video releases granting our production company the right to film them as part of this project. These releases will be provided well in advance and must be fully executed prior to any filming activities. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.